July 04, 2017
Top Nana: the tutorial
Hello! As promised, the tutorial for the Nana top! You won't see anything difficult, and there's even a video link for the flat knot ;) For the occasion, I sewed a new camisole in a fabric with appliqué embroidery and tiny squares, and the back (because Nana is reversible!) is in the beautiful English embroidery of Saint Peter's coupons.
Sewing level : the pattern is aimed at a beginner + level (i.e. not in front of a machine for the very first time, but it is a completely accessible model for a first in sewing clothes!). And this step by step should remove your reluctance you will see! Assembling your Nana top: 1. Make your bust darts on your front, front and back. First transfer your darts from your pattern to your fabric by marking the sides of the dart with notches and pass a thread on the tip of the dart to mark their location. Join the top of the dart and the notches with a marker such as pilot frixion or tailor's chalk (this forms a triangle). Come and fold the notches of the dart one on top of the other right side against right side, you sew on your line of tracing and when you arrive at the tip of the dart you continue to sew in the air on several points. Iron your darts down. (here the fabric is not the same but we can see it clearly). 

2.Come place right side against right side your front and back and assemble from the armholes passing through the neckline and the straps (do not touch the sides). To help you sew the "V" of the neckline, come and transfer your sewing line and the middle of your bust, and follow your outline carefully. When you are a few points from the "V" shorten your stitch length in order to land on your center line. At this point, keep the needle planted, lift the foot and pivot your work to continue on the rest of the outline. 

3. Repeat the operation by placing the front and back backs right side against right side. Before turning your pieces over, notch all your curves and trim your corners, especially at the top of the straps, also notch the "V" well. Overlock all the sides of your work. 
4. Spread out your fronts, spread out your backs, and pin your front-backs right sides together (1-2), match your underarm seams, then continue pinning your front-backs (1'-2') right sides together. Sew, turn right side out and press well. 
5. Make your bottom hems separately on your front and back, do not join them together. For the hems, fold over 1 cm once and mark the bottom of the garment with an iron, fold over again 1 cm, mark with an iron, and sew (rather on the right side your seam will be prettier). 6. The flat knot: put on your top, and while holding the chest clips in place, mark on your straps the area where your knot should be located. Remove the top and come and make your flat knots. I know that the diagrams are sometimes hard to interpret, and the step-by-step photo does not do it justice, I found you a youtube tutorial here is the link (it is to decorate chairs for weddings but the principle is the same! youtube channel @ Arts Ephemeres). There you have your pretty Nana and you will be ready for the hot summer days, and believe me you will not go unnoticed!