The first day of the rest of my life.
This is the story of a young girl... her passions are drawing and horses (and drawing thousands of horses). She also likes to leaf through LaRedoute when it arrives at her grandmother's. She imagines outfits by combining clothes, and she scribbles little silhouettes.
The young girl grows up, and the time comes to choose what she will do in life. Drawing, art, clothes are not choices she considers. She needs something stable, something safe, it calms her. She works to become a veterinarian and stay close to horses. But she does not have the level to integrate the prep school. So she goes into medicine, and passes the dental surgeon exam. This profession, she does not know it but surgery interests her a lot. She discovers it, she likes it. She also meets girls at university who love fashion and clothes, brands and looks that are more cutting-edge, more worked. And she likes that too. It is among the fashion specials of Vogue and Elle that she combines and scribbles her little silhouettes from now on.
Studies are over, the young woman works. Dentistry is a paradoxically solitary profession and she misses the exchanges with her friends from college: sharing cases, discovering techniques, confiding her doubts about certain patients... so she continues post-graduate training in parallel to find this fraternity. And she has what she has worked so hard for since high school: security, stability, a "good" job.
I become the woman. I am expecting my second child, my pregnancy is not easy so I stop working quite early and I take time for myself. I start drawing again, and thinking about clothes. I contact a seamstress who offers a custom clothing service based on inspirations, drawings, etc. I have already told the rest of the adventure: discovery of the world of sewing, initiation to this activity that was unknown to me and to pattern making. I surf the net and discover the couturosphere... I love it and I jump in with both feet. Drawing my La Redoute silhouettes, drawing my dream clothes, drawing my first patterns... I launch my blog Dessine moi un patron and quickly I take the gamble of offering my patterns and launching a collection.
This adventure began in September 2015, my little hobby activity in my free time has become a real brand. This brand has evolved with me, with you for these 3 and a half years. So I wanted to give it a new face. Something that looks more like me. When I look at my wardrobe, I see prints, colors. My mother often tells me when I show her my fabrics and the outfit I plan to sew that she is doubtful about the associations... but in the end it works. My research on patterns is focused on the work of detail that will hit the mark, of the sometimes strong piece. The desire for the garment to be the support of a singular look. So I thought about it, searched a lot for what would be more in line with this more assertive identity...
Maison Fauve ... After weeks, it became clear: the Fauves, these artists who want to breathe color and spontaneity. who do not appear but reinvent the world with fantasy and audacity. There is also the color Fauve, a play of nuances of warm colors, earth and fire. And MF , Milou Faurie, those are my initials. I did not realize it at first, my husband pointed it out to me when I was working on logo tests. It was obvious, it will be Maison Fauve.
This year will also be a year of great change for me. I intend to stop the practice and give myself a chance. Getting up in the morning to be a dentist no longer suits me. I created my own business, through hard work and an immense dose of passion. I owe this journey to you too, you follow me in this perilous adventure, you encourage me, you inspire me. This Maison Fauve is also yours: your view of my work, and what my patterns become when they pass under your machines, with your fabrics... the palette changes, evolves, metamorphoses!
Let me tell you that there will be some movement around here: the site will be renamed, the presentation of the blog and the eshop reworked, but above all it will be the occasion for a big surprise that I have in store for you in a few days with some partners at my side who are really going strong... Eglantine et Zoé , les Coupons de saint Pierre , Dutchlabel Shop , Frou-frou , Coudre et broder ...we can't wait!!!!
So here I am: a new name, a new professional identity, and above all letting go of the "stability" that dictated my path until I was 37, it's a leap into the void that terrifies me. But I remember the young girl who surprised her grandmother when she told her she would study medicine "Oh really, digue Girl, I thought you would design clothes" ... this sentence came out of nowhere, made no sense at the time because my attraction to fashion was limited to my scribbles from catalogs. My grandmother did not linger.
She's not here anymore, but I like to think that she would congratulate me with a little satisfied smile and the air of someone who had seen it coming if I told her "Grandma, I'm a sewing pattern designer and I'm living my dream"...